SY 2024- 2025 School Goals
At least 25% of students achieve proficiency or above as measured by end of the year school and state literacy assessments (Amplify, ANET, MCAP).By June 2025, increase reading proficiency for students in the special education population from 0% to 5% as measured by the end of the year assessments and schoolwide assessments. At least 10% of students achieve proficiency or above as measured by end of the year school and state math assessments (Amplify, ANET, MCAP, NWEA)By June 2025, increase math proficiency for students in the special education population from 0% to 5% as measured by the end of the year assessments and schoolwide assessments.
Community and Engagement
Increase the yearly attendance average rate from 89% to 92%.Decrease the chronically absent rate from 62% to 45%.Each family should participate in at least 20 points of contact throughout the year, totaling 7,720 or more points of contact for the school community.
Student Wholeness
Ensure a safe and secure learning environment by decreasing office referrals from 186 to 170.Ensure a safe and secure learning environment by having no more than 20 school suspensions.