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Gifted and Talented Learners ( GAL)

Scholars participating in the GAL program at FLTPA have been formally identified as gifted, advanced, or talent development learners or are high performing students that have not yet been formally identified. Formal identification happens from the district using a non-verbal ability test (NNAT3) and standardized academic assessments (Amplify, NWEA, and/or MCAP). All scholars in Kindergarten are given the NNAT3 for early identification. Before testing, all students are given practice with analogies to ensure that all students have been exposed to the type of work they will complete on the assessment.


In order to be formally identified for GAL, scholars must score in at least the 73rd percentile on the NNAT3 assessment. Students scoring in the 80th – 89th percentile on the NNAT3 and the academic assessments will be labeled as Advanced. Scholars that score in the 90th percentile or higher on the NNAT3 and the academic assessments will be labeled as Gifted. Students that score above the 73rd percentile on the NNAT3 and those that may have a higher NNAT3 score but academic scores below the 80th percentile will be labeled as Talent Development. GAL scholars receive at least three pull out sessions each week for fortv-five minutes and complete lessons and activities in Jacob's Ladder (reading). M2 or M3 (math), the William and Mary Science Units, and independent learning projects.


Parents of scholars currently in the GAL program can find out more information and review the district's resources by accessing the link below:

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