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Lottery Guidelines

According to Maryland Charter School Legislation (Statute9-102(1-13)), enrollment in public charter schools is open to all students on a space available basis and admits students on a lottery basis if more students apply than can be accommodated.  As a conversion school that serves an attendance area, Furman L Templeton Preparatory Academy lottery procedures apply to: any K-5 vacancies that exist after all in-zone K-5 students are served.
Lottery participation is open to all students who are residents of Baltimore City.  Lottery participation is also open to non-resident students who pay tuition at the rate establishes by Baltimore City Schools – through available slots are allotted to Baltimore City students first. A public charter school may not limit enrollment based on student’s race, color, religion, national origin, language spoken, intellectual or athletic performance.

All  students’ who are enrolled in the public school at the time it is converted into a public charter school and siblings of students already admitted to or attending the same contract school are exempted from the lottery process.  Any students within these criteria will be enrolled into the school.


Lottery Process

Furman L Templeton Preparatory will make a public announcement of enrollment deadlines through the school website, school newsletter, community outreach, and/or email.  Evidence of the school’s public announcement will be documented and maintained at school.
School application will be made available to all interested parties.  Applications may not ask for any identifying student information i.e. race, religion, special education status, home language, free/reduced meal status, test scores, previous grades, parent income status, etc.  All application must be submitted by posted deadline.
If the school is over-subscribed at the end of the enrollment period, then all the applications go into the lottery.  The lottery is a system of random selection of pre-registration applications that identifies students for enrollment and generates the school’s waiting list. During the lottery process, all completed and accepted applications submitted during the enrollment period are publicly drawn in random order until capacity is reached and the remainder is placed on the waiting list.
The enrollment lottery will be conducted by staff of Furman L. Templeton Preparatory Academy and witnessed by a representative of Baltimore City Public Schools.
The enrollment lottery draw will be held at 9 AM on TBA at Furman L. Templeton Preparatory Academy, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217.   All interested parties are invited to attend the enrollment lottery draw.

Lottery For Out of Zone Students


The public lottery for all out-of-zone students will be held on TBA, at 9:00 AM, in the school auditorium. All parents and guardians are encouraged to attend. You will receive a call and acceptance letter if your child is selected to attend Furman L. Templeton Preparatory Academy.

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