FLTPA Partners
Bmore For Healthy Babies
Description: Pre and Post-Natal support for women and men in 21217 community.
Ages/Grades Served: FLT Parent Community
Outcomes:Provides post and pre-natal support to those that may not otherwise access additional supports. Breastfeeding home visits, parental and group support.
Child First
Description: Provides afterschool programming for K-5 students. Monday-Thursday.
Ages/Grades Served: K – through 5th children.
Outcomes:Provide after-school enrichment and academics to students who otherwise couldn’t participate financially.
Maryland Food Bank- Heart Market
Description: The goal of the program is to provide food for children while encouraging parents to take an active role in their child's education and development through monthly Heart Markets.
Ages/Grades Served:FLT Family Community grades Pre-K through 5.
Outcomes: Provide an additional source of healthy food to families in high poverty.
Chicago Parent
Description: 12-week parent curriculum
Ages/Grades Served: Parents with children 0-5 years of age.
Outcomes:Provides parenting curriculum and support group for parents with children ages 0-5 years.
The University of Maryland, School of Social Work/Promise Heights
Description: University of Maryland, Baltimore with partnering CBOs/FBOs within the Upton/Druid Heights neighborhood facilitate a pipeline of interconnected services that begin with prenatal care and continue thru to college/career
Ages/Grades Served: Birth to College/Career
Outcomes: Provide information and resources for families within the Upton/Druid Heights school from birth to college/career
Description:Students with signs or symptoms of asthma are referred to the Breathmobile by a school nurse, parents or primary care providers. Once onboard they are given a comprehensive evaluation, testing and treatment. This can include: asthma focused history and physical, lung function testing, allergy skin testing, asthma education, medications, asthma devices and case management services.
Ages/Grades Served: Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 5
Outcomes: Data collected suggests the Breath mobile is responsible for a significant improvement in the children who are involved in the program, including a decreased number of lost school days, an increased use of preventive asthma medications and decreased number of emergency visits for asthma.
Y in Central MD- Badges for Baseball
Description: Enrichment afterschool program serving 5th grade students. Connecting students with community helpers to build relationships. Community participants include, police and fire officers. Activities include swimming and other outdoor sports.
Ages/Grades Served: 5th grade students
Outcomes:To build relationships among law enforcement and students.
Villa Maria
Description: Expanded school mental health therapist on site at FLT. Providing TF-CBT interventions to students with identified trauma and providing family services to reduce the effects of trauma.
Ages/Grades Served: Caseload of 25 students.
Outcomes: Provide TF-CBT intervention to identified students.
Sharp Street Memorial United Methodist Church
Description: Community partnership providing uniform collection and donation 2x/year, facility use for meetings and school events. Parishioner support for attendance initiatives.
Ages/Grades Served: PK-5 and their families.
Outcomes: Provide uniform donations at beginning and mid-year, supportive financially to our attendance initiatives.
Stanley Snacks
Description: Community partnership providing snacks and breakfast to students. Supports school-wide events and attendance incentives.
Ages/GradeServed: PK-5 and their families.
Outcomes: Provides breakfast and snacks to combat food disparity
